Monday 26 June 2017

Why get involved when you really dont have to!

Life's a funny old thing. We spend every moment of every day making choices. Some choices are important, some make no difference other than they make you, as an individual happy.
So why did I choose to do something about the brick planter thing?
If I'm honest I really don't know. Like I've said before, it bugged me. Not really important is it?
It did make me think why we do these things?
So I then asked the 'gardening gang' why they got involved and it was interesting to see why people like to do things. So I thought i'd share our reasons with you.
Angie summed it up quite simply. She and her son Harry like being outside. They love learning about plants and wildlife and the environment and getting our hands dirty.
Theresa said "I am not green fingered at all, but grew up with beautiful gardens to play in as my mum is very green fingered and lives for her gardening, but clearly hasn't passed it onto me!!. However, I am more than willing to help with whatever I can and support a fantastic cause for our school and our children. You don't need to be the best gardener to help out, there are plenty of other things to do and it is a lovely social group"
Alison has two older children that have moved on from the school but what was fascinating was that her daughter was one of the children that made the bricks to build the brick planter thing. She said " my daughters year made the kiln that sparked Mandy imagination. Seeing her enthusiasm and creativity has inspired me to get involved. The school grounds have never looked so nice. I may not like getting my hands dirty but there are lots of things to get involved with and I'm hoping my youngest will learn a thing or two!"
Rachel: I liked the fact it's good to volunteer to help the school and the surrounding area.   It is so lovely seeing the school grounds  improve with just a few parents giving up there time.  What a difference it has made.  I have had so many parents complement the school grounds.  Also good for the kids to see you don't need to spend money to help or make money you just do it to be nice.  I enjoy the Wednesday gardening club as it is so lovely to see the children learn above plants and how important it is.
Sarah:Initially, over coffee one morning Mandy ran an idea past me about a gardening club that she was thinking about starting and asked me what I thought. I told her it was a great idea.
When she asked around for volunteers to help I thought that it really wasn't for me. I hate getting dirty and I'm not green fingered at all – in fact I have a tendency to kill any of the house plants that I've owned!! However, Mandy is a friend and I felt that I should support her – especially after encouraging her to set it all up! So we turned up in the holidays and my children absolutely loved getting filthy and playing with their friends and I enjoyed meeting other mum's and dad's whilst doing the odd job. I've found that it becomes addictive and the nicer the gardens look the more you want to do! I've amazed myself at how happy I've been to walk around covered in dirt, paint or soaking wet! The biggest joy is seeing how enthusiastic the children are with the project and getting involved.
Claire said, I like the fact that I can take my toddler along. I'd love to volunteer to read or go on trips but it's always a problem with a little one, so this ticks all the boxes and I quite like gardening !
And me? Why did this feel like something I wanted to do? Well I have probably different reasons than most and I'm going to put it right out there!
Over the last six years I've battled a constant round of health issues. One thing, literally, after another. Everything I've been diagnosed with is 'untreatable', which means there are a shed load of tablets to take but none of it will go away. Its just a case of management. Learning how to keep it all on a balance! With this constant round of doctors appointment, hospital appointment and tests and scans and other intrusive procedures comes depression. Days when you ask yourself 'is this it?' 'is this what its always going to be like'? And when you don't have a definite answer you can find yourself feeling very alone and isolated. I just did t want it to stop me doing something constructive, which is probably why the brick planter thing (this will be what its referred to forever now) seemed like a manageable project. Bulbs. A bag of bulbs would be all it took. Of course its grown, no pun meant there, into something wonderfully exciting. So has being involved cured the depression, cured the symptoms of the my unpleasant illnesses. NO!. No it hasn't but you know its true what they say. Laughter, really is the best medicine. On a bad day or week all I have to say is 'I'm not up to it'. No one questions me, no one holds me to account for what needs to be done. And my lovely gardening gang friends just ask how I am, if I need anything, if there's anything I need doing.  And on a good day, I do aomething  that makes a difference. To the children that smile as they walk past the minion planters. To the teachers who have a brighter area to sit and eat lunch. To the reception children that have a lovely fake grass area in their playground to just lay and chill.
I've made lovely friends. I've achieved something
. I give my time when I can but what I get in return is priceless. So I'm seeing this project as a win, win situation.

So all in all we all have different reasons for volunteering, with the same end goal I guess. To simply make the school look prettier and get the children involved in a bit of gardening.

Small acorns and all that !!!!!!! You just have to watch and see what we get up to next I guess ;)

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