Thursday 29 June 2017

Hampton court flower show

So this blog is going to be in two parts - before and after !

It's been a mad week for the welly wizards. Decisions like would a bottle top be better for a nose than a champagne cork? How many flower pots to put on a belt? The list of questions has been endless.
Oh sorry, you won't know what I'm talking about will you? I have told anyone else who has ears that we are through to the finals at Hampton court palace flower show. The children's competition "a walk in the wild side" has stirred imaginations like you'd never believe!

At the beginning of the year we put out a competition to the whole school from the RHS to design a scarecrow with the walk on a wild side theme. Have to say we didn't get that many entrants but what we did get was brilliant. We took different elements from different drawings and created Smiley.

This week we have all been working like mad to take smiley from paper to pole, as it were.

It's been funny how the smallest of details have caused the most angst!

I'm writing this on Friday morning - so far I've been up since 4.30 am and have laminated all the posters to go on the display, made the children's name badges, put the adult packs together with maps and details of where we are going and what we are doing. I have boxes and boxes in my hall of 'stuff' that I'm sure we will need. So all that needs to happen now is that we put the main man together and then delivery him safely on Sunday.

How hard can that be? All I can say is watch this space!

Follow our adventure on Twitter @thewellywizards or on Facebook at The Welly Wizards.

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