Wednesday 21 June 2017

A way to remember the fallen

Isn't it funny how this little project of ours has grown and grown and grown.
The school was approached and asked if we would like to do something to tidy up the local memorial garden. It  isn't  very big so it's actually a lovely project for the children to be involved with. 
I do wonder what they will think about it when it is finished.
It's made me really think about rememberance day and why it's important to me - but I wonder what children think about it? Do they just apply it to modern day conflicts or do they think about the sacrifices men and women made in the Second World War for us to live as we do today? Such a small garden bringing so many questions into my head.

This blog will be a bit of a before and after I'm afraid, you will have to wait for the after.
Below are pictures of how it looks now.

As always the wonderful Enfield Wyevale have supplied us with some beautiful plants that will hopefully transform this small garden into a fitting memorial for all the wonderful men and women from days gone by to current conflicts so bravely serve us and our country.

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