Wednesday 4 October 2017

Time just flys by !

It's already October - honestly it is! I'm not too sure how that happened to be honest.
There we were doing a few jobs over the summer holidays and well, now we are watching the leaves float down from the branches and the nights draw in.

The question is what have we achieved since we broke up in July?

Well smiley the wild is now placed in his forever home - mind you he is headless!
We've painted. Made dull walls look brighter.
We've tidied up the side court yard.
Brian has built the most beautiful new play desk area for reception.
Mrs Muir has a lovely patio with a blaze of pink flowers.

So we have been getting some jobs done. But there are lots more projects that we need to do.

For the Autumn and winter months we have the following projects planned and we really need your help if you can help in any way at all.

Number one project - the gardening hub.
First of all we need to get the hub put together so the children have somewhere to go during the winter months. The hub will be used by everyone in the school. It wil be a place for teachers to teach the children science and nature studies. So it's something we are all excited about.

Number two project - the SEN garden.
We are blessed to have such wonderful grounds. There is an area that houses a small unused pond and is a bit overgrown. The children at gardening club have come up with some wonderful ideas for this area, to turn it into a tranquil, calm and wonderful sensory garden that will be known as the smile garden.

Number three project - the memorial garden.
We will be starting to spruce up the memorial garden at the top of lower queens road next week. A wonderful project that brings the generations together. The children and really excited to be part of this.

Because we are a self funded group we are always looking for ways to raise money.
Our latest money raiser is by recycling ink cartridges. If you have any old ink cartridges or work for a company that doesn't already recycle we would love to have your old cartridges. Please contact us to arrange boxes and collection.

If you would like to help us by being a sponsor for any of these projects your support is always welcome. Maybe you could help us get a bench for the memorial garden or flooring for the hub. Any help however big or small is always welcome.

Now we are back in the swing of things we will keep you a bit more updates on how all these projects are progressing.

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