Monday 9 October 2017

Minions do travel !

Now we are back into the swing of things and a little bit more settled we've been ticking jobs off the list. The children have re planted the front planter ready for the Autumn. The ink cartridge recycling project is now in full swing. The Wednesday gardening club are incharge of this project and are doing a fabulous job. The memorial garden has been weeded and we have dug up the weeds in between the paving stones. In the next few days the flower beds will be put in space and then the artificial grass put down. Angie has finished painting the new tyre minions at the Noah's ark pre-school. Two friendly faces all ready for the children to plant up. So now our minions have friends at the end of the road.

Next on our list is the garden hub. So they next few weeks should bring about amazing changes both at school and the community around.

The pre schools new friends :0)

In the next week or so we aim to change the look of the memorial garden. 

You can follow us on Twitter and Facebook - the welly wizards 

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